Local, Regional and State


Coös County

Where Nature and Innovation Grow Together

Map of NH Highlighting Coös County

We have compiled these useful links to local, regional, and state services to assist with your business development.  Please contact us if you have any questions or are looking for something you don’t see here.

Northern Gateway Chamber of Commerce, NH

Androscoggin Valley Chamber of Commerce

Twin Mountain & Bretton Woods - New Hampshire

North Country Chamber of Commerce

Registering Your Business

New Hampshire Secretary of State

Hiring Minors

Hiring Employees, Child Labor Laws, and Best Practices


Earn As You Learn, Hire Skilled Workers | ApprenticeshipNH

Business Development Assistance

Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau | NH Employment Security

WorkInvestNH Workforce Training Fund

White Mountains Community College (wmcc.edu)


North & Central Region | NH Small Business Development Center (nhsbdc.org)

Small Business Administration (sba.gov)

Funding Opportunities

Grants and Funding Opportunities

Business Tax Credits

NH Job Tax Credit

DOE Career and Technical Education Credit

CEDC Tax Credit - CDFA’s Tax Credit Program supports organizations that are engaged in community economic development initiatives that show a high degree of community support, build partnerships and leverage other resources.  CEDC was approved for a tax credit award.  By participating in the Tax Credit program, your donation stays in our communities and will assist CEDC in our efforts to promote economic growth that fosters a strong and diverse workforce, sustainable employment, and a thriving business environment.

You can support this project by purchasing the tax credits from CEDC, resulting in your company receiving a 75 percent New Hampshire state tax credit against that contribution. The credit can be applied against the Business Profits Tax, Business Enterprise Tax or Insurance Premium Tax. The donation may also be eligible for treatment as a state and federal charitable contribution.

NH Bureau of Economic Affairs Programs